Adobe Creative Cloud for education K-12 License for Schools and Districts Customer FAQ
What is the Adobe Creative Cloud K-12 License offering?
Adobe is offering Creative Cloud for education device licenses through two options, the Adobe K-12 School Site License, and now, the Adobe K-12 District License. Both offerings are available worldwide for primary and secondary (K-12) schools and districts only and purchased through the Value Incentive Plan (VIP).
What is a device license?
The Creative Cloud for education device license is a license for each computer, rather than each individual user, and is ideal for classroom, lab and student ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) environments. Creative Cloud for education device licenses may be installed on school-owned or school-leased computers. Work at home usage is available for eligible faculty and staff as well as allowing student deployment on personal devices (BYOD).
Who is eligible to purchase a K-12 License offering?
The K-12 School Site License is available to a qualifying accredited primary and secondary or K–12 public and nonpublic school or a school district office located at a single address.
The K-12 District License is available to qualifying accredited primary and secondary or K–12 school legal entities* (i.e. school districts). A legal entity may purchase and use District licenses across qualified primary and secondary school sites within the legal entity/school district and for use in administrative offices and/or a fully-owned educational training center used to educate active faculty and staff and/or enrolled primary and secondary school students.
* Legal entity refers to an organization that has responsibility for the procurement and contract management of multiple individual primary and/or secondary schools, for example, a district, county, state, or government agency.
How is the K-12 License offering priced?
As stated above, the K-12 License offerings are based on a minimum license purchase and additional licenses, over the minimum, may be adobe at the time of purchase for $25 USD per license. The K-12 School Site License starts at $2,500 USD for 100 licenses. The K-12 District License starts at $12,500 USD for 500 licenses.
Is there an additional discount for more licenses purchased?
Each K-12 license offering is priced the same across all VIP discount levels. It is best to purchase quantities that support your current needs and any expected license growth needs over the remainder of your school term. Again the licenses can be deployed in labs, for work at home as well as student BYOD.
Can our district purchase a K-12 School Site License and distribute licenses to multiple schools?
No, the K-12 School Site License must only be used at the school site that purchased the licenses. However, we have simplified this process by introducing the K-12 District License, which allows deployment across multiple school sites by the district and may eliminate the need to purchase the K- 12 School Site License offering for each school, depending on your district and/or school situation. The district or schools also have the option to purchase individual device and/or named-user product licenses through VIP from an Adobe Authorized Education Reseller.
What if we need more than 100 licenses for our school or 500 licenses for our district?
At the time of purchase, you can add as many licenses over the purchase minimum (for an additional fee) that each school site or district requires. This must be done either at the time of the initial purchase or at the time of the license renewal.
Can we add licenses during the term of the VIP agreement?
Licenses can only be added mid-term if another 100 minimum licenses per school site or 500 minimum licenses per district are purchased.
As an existing K-12 VIP Member, can we purchase a K-12 License offering under our current agreement? Yes. You can add this program onto an existing VIP agreement and the term will be pro-rated to the end of the subscription term. Schools must commit to a minimum 100 license purchase. Districts must commit to a minimum 500 license purchase. At the time of renewal, a full year of service would need to be purchased to keep the software enabled.
Do the K–12 License offerings allow teacher home use?
Yes, each K–12 License allows for teacher home usage for eligible teaching staff. A license may be deployed in a classroom, lab or at home as long as the school or district has procured enough licenses to meet their deployment needs. Each deployment including a license deployed at a teacher’s home counts as one license used.
If the teacher uses their own computer, they must either bring it to the school to get the required software deployment package installed or you will need to supply them with the software deployment package via protected internet access. The teacher may have to access the school or district servers (login required) to download the required software package. Licenses must be immediately deactivated/revoked from teacher computers when they are no longer employed by the school or district.
Can we install K–12 License software on student computers not owned by the school?
K–12 License software may also be installed on student-owned computers in ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) environments for students enrolled at the school. Each deployment on a student-owned device counts as one license used. Schools must authorize student use of the license, take full responsibility for all student use of the software and your school retains all license use rights under your VIP membership (license use rights may not be transferred to the student).
If a student uses their own computer, they must either bring it to the school to get the required software deployment package installed or your school will need to supply them access to the software deployment package via protected internet access. Students may have to access your school servers (login required) to download the required software package. Schools and districts are responsible for ensuring deployment access only to eligible students and licenses deployed to student-owned computers must be deactivated/revoked once the student is no longer enrolled at the school.
Can Creative Cloud be broken up and individual components installed on multiple computers?
No, only one Creative Cloud for education device license can be installed/used per computer regardless if the installation is for all the Creative Cloud applications or only a single application.
Is our school required to install all of the products in Creative Cloud or can we install just a subset of the products?
You are not required to install all the products and can install only the applications needed on a machine but partial installations still count as a fully deployed license. The Creative Cloud Packager offers an easy way to help customize application deployments.
Can licenses be redeployed?
Yes, if you have a lab machine that is decommissioned, a faculty member leaves, a student is no longer enrolled at the school or any other event that requires a license to be deactivated or revoked, that license can be deactivated using the VIP Admin Console and reallocated to another machine as long as it is still tied to the site for which it was procured.